by Sissy Mallard I’m willing to admit it – I knew nothing about the history of Earth Day which started in my home country. It began in the US on April 22, 1970, organized by Sen. Gaylord Nelson to protest the industrial revolution and his actions resulted in a cleaner America-what a great legacy! The...Read More
by Gerard Claramunt It’s important to know that TET or the Lunar New Year is the most important holiday of the year in Vietnam. All people return to their hometowns for big celebrations with their families. One of the oldest traditions surrounding TET is a live Kumquat tree and every family must have one. In...Read More
by Have you already started preparing for your next holiday? If you have not decided the place till now, find it right here, in this article. Plan for your next trip to enchanting Cambodia and ensure you can enjoy every bit of it nothing but with sheer pleasure. It will be quite fascinating for...Read More
By John Watson It’s a small and simple story. But it is something that happens almost everyday, and shows the true wonder of Cambodia, I think. Now, normally, we take our time and space here to share interesting historical facts, adventures, and some of the many other highlights of enjoying the Ride of Your Life...Read More
by Craig Bowman Cities going through a transition period, such as Phnom Penh, often are faced with dilemmas in regards to the changes in property and landscape. Going from a city with very few buildings above 5 stories to one with many city high rises and urban planning, Phnom Penh has had to make room...Read More
by Craig Bowman Our tour guide just told us we are headed to our last stop of the night. We have been to several places and according to my watch, it is near the end of the tour, but it just seems time has gone by so quick. Our last stop already? Our group gets...Read More